Meeting on May 10, 2023

MAY 10, 2023

This was a hybrid meeting with 21 people attending in-person; and about 15 members participating via phone or video link.

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by the President of the College Gardens (CG) Civic Association (CGCA) John Mosely Hayes (JMH).

Introduction and Proposed Meeting Agenda (JMH): 

JMH introduced the other CGCA officers: Chaula Butterworth (Vice President); Jennifer Weiland (JW, Treasurer); Gamal (Jimmy) El-Masry (Secretary; not able to attend); and Tom Miner (immediate Past-President and Exofficial) 

JMH introduced the meetings speakers – 

  • LT. Bill Nieberding – City of Rockville Police Report point person
  • Mark Pierzchala – City Council Representative, CG resident and former CGCA President – City update 
  • Sandy Watson – Woodley Gardens Civic Association President
  • Diane Fuchs – West Rockville Connects Village Organization Volunteer
  • Jennifer DeMatteo – Garden Club of College Gardens (GCCG) President

JMH described the proposed agenda:
– Treasurer Report

– Police Report

– City Updates

– Woodley Gardens Shopping Center Vape Shop update

– West Rockville Connects village organization update

– CGCA updates

– New Business 

Treasurer’s Report (JW):  JW reported that as of April 30, 2023, the CGCA bank account had a positive balance of $6331.50; 77% of the 336 CG single family households had given $10 bi-annual membership dues during 2022 dues collection; and that next CGCA membership dues collection cycle is targeted for 2024. 

Police Report (Lieutenant Bill Nieberding, Lt. (BN)): 

  • ‘College Gardens and Woodley Gardens communities including both shopping centers made up approximately 2.5% (a low amount) of all the calls for police service in the city of Rockville. Further, the highest number of calls throughout the city are “disorderly calls” and “suspicious situations” calls. The vast majority of these calls are either unfounded or easily adjusted by having a conversation with the parties involved.
  • Concerning driving in the city and the appearance of a higher rate of aggressive driving in the city including speeding and running stops signs. I believe with so many people making the same observations, there is probably a rate of more aggressive driving. Police department’s today are avoiding aggressive traffic enforcement to avoid the image of being overbearing, but at the same time the police department are enforcing observed violations. I reminded everyone to please contact the police department if there is a particular area or intersection that should be checked by our patrol officers as time allows.
  • There was a question about Artificial Intelligence (AI). I did not have a lot of knowledge about AI but advised that it affects many aspects of our lives. Everyone should follow the news about AI and make their own determination.
  • The police department has added a Mental Health Counselor to the police department. Beth Loftus is a credentialed professional who gives the police department another valued resource in helping people who may be having a mental health crisis. She is available to respond to a scene to assist officers and also follow up with citizens for additional help.
  • There was a question about street lights that was fielded by Councilman Pierzchala. Pepco maintains them and the City is working with them to identify and repair faulty lights.
  • We had a little bit of conversation about the recent guest in the neighborhood – the bear. It is a good idea to accept the idea that we will have uninvited guests from mother nature from time to time. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is a great agency that takes these situations very seriously. The Rockville City Police are always happy to work with the DNR.
  • The police department is looking forward to seeing the College Gardens Civic Association this summer at National Night Out.’

City of Rockville Update (Mark Pierzchala, Rockville City Council Representative): 

  • Widening I-270 and toll lanes, the Maryland chapter of the Sierra Club submitted a multi-organization coalition supported letter to the MD Dept. of Transportation Secretary to not widen I-270 with toll lanes, and the Rockville City Council unanimously continues to recommend the same to state and other government officials. 
  • Rockville City Budget, this was Mark’s 12th year serving on the council and he was very disappointed in the council’s performance in adequately budgeting for the future.  In particular, the City’s not raising police salaries negatively impacts the Police Dept’s ability to hire additional police officers. There are four vacant police officer positions. Further, not enough money has been allocated to maintain the capital improvements part of the budget. Mark is concerned that in time not doing so will impact the AAA bond rating that the City currently has (a hard rating to acquire). In addition, Mark was disappointed that 2 million dollars has been budgeted for a consultant to provide a Red Gate Park utilization proposal plan.
  • Rockville Hometown Holidays Celebration, held at the Redgate Park on the last weekend in May. Rockville..
  • During the Q&A session that followed, Mark explained that the Rockville Housing Enterprises had purchased the Scarborough Square’s 122 apartment units and will maintain the property as affordable housing for its current tenants, including for larger families. 

Woodley Gardens Shopping Center Vape Shop update (Sandy Watson, Woodley Gardens Civic Association President): Explained that vape shop does not have the appropriate electrical permits. In addition, the City Council has put a moratorium on more vape shops within the city as it reviews and revises the ordinance and permit process regarding this type of business. 

West Rockville Connects Village (Diane Fuchs, WRCV Volunteer): Diane explained that Villages are local, volunteer-led, grassroots organizations, which foster social connections through activities and events, and coordinate volunteer help at home using a neighbor-helping-neighbor model. She explained that there were a couple of other Villages that were being developed in Rockville and that Trish Evans (; Tel: 240-314-8807) works on coordinating the development of Villages for the City of Rockville.  The email to connect with persons working on the WRCV which includes the CG neighborhood is

Garden Club of College Gardens (Jennifer DeMatteo, GCCG President):  Described the activities of our neighborhood garden club and invited residents to join the GCCG meetings held on the second Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm, usually at the Rockville Senior Center.  Further, the GCCG welcomes new residents to College Gardens with a red geranium, the club flower. In addition to maintaining the landscaping of the Hill, at the corner of Nelson St. and College Pkwy, the club holds an annual Plant Sale in April and bulb sale in the Fall.

CGCA updates (JMH, CGCA President, now Secretary): 

  • Gave an update that the CGCA National Night Out neighborhood potluck would be held August 1, Tuesday, in the evening at the CG Park Pavilion.  The CGCA will provide Carmen’s Italian ice and water. The Rockville German Band will perform; a robotics group will give a robotics demonstration; the Montgomery County Police Department will give a drone demonstration; there will be a Manna Food Collection; and Rockville City Police Department, Fire Department and City officials will attend.
  • JMH also proposed that in the future the CGCA should consider using software like Google Forms to poll its membership on various issues; it was pointed out that the CGCA bi-laws would need to be updated if using such a polling tool would be used to take a membership vote outside of the normal Spring and Fall CGCA meetings. 
  • JMH recognized that Chaula Butterworth had decided to resign her position as the CGCA Vice-President and that the remaining officers wanted to change to new positions as follows – Jennifer Weiland, President; Gamal (Jimmy) El-Masry, VP; John Mosely Hayes, Secretary.  A vote was taken and it was unanimous to allow the changes.  There were no volunteers to become the CGCA Treasurer and the CGCA officers will continue to seek out a volunteer to fill the Treasurer position. 


The meeting ended at 9:00 pm

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